Over 10 years we help companies reach their financial and branding goals. Engitech is a values-driven technology agency dedicated.



411 University St, Seattle, USA


+1 -800-456-478-23

Strategic Consulting Services

Our strategic consulting services will help your business develop and implement a comprehensive cyber security strategy. Our experienced team will work with you to assess your current cyber security posture, identify areas of improvement, and develop a customized plan to address any deficiencies.

Our strategic consulting services include:

Security Program Gap Analysis – we conduct comprehensive evaluation of your security programs, identify gaps against applicable industry best practices and standards, and recommend actionable remediation plans. Where applicable, we provide on-going supports to ensure the plans are implemented and security pasture matured.

IT Policy and Procedure Documentation and Implementation – we can help draft and document your IT security policy and procedures.

Security Plan: We will draft and document the security plans for your business based on FedRAMP Security Plan framework.

Risk Assessments: We will conduct risk assessment based on NIST CSF framework for your business’s current cyber security posture, document the results, and provide recommendations for improvement.

Risk Management: We will help you identify and mitigate cyber security risks to your business.

Incident Response Planning: We will develop an incident response plan to ensure your business is prepared to respond to a cyber security incident.

UI/UX Design

Build the product you need on time with an experienced team that uses a clear and effective design process.

Dedicated Team

Build the product you need on time with an experienced team that uses a clear and effective design process.

UI/UX Design

Build the product you need on time with an experienced team that uses a clear and effective design.

Dedicated Team

Over the past decade, our customers succeeded by leveraging Intellectsoft’s process of building, motivating.

// Drop us a line! We are here to answer your questions 24/7


// our clients

We are Trusted
15+ Countries Worldwide

Moonkle LTD,
Moonkle LTD,
Client of Company
"Very well thought out and articulate communication. Clear milestones, deadlines and fast work. Patience. Infinite patience. No shortcuts. Even if the client is being careless. The best part...always solving problems with great original ideas!."
Manager of Company
"Patience. Infinite patience. No shortcuts. Very well thought out and articulate communication. Clear milestones, deadlines and fast work. Even if the client is being careless. The best part...always solving problems with great original ideas!."
Moonkle LTD,
Moonkle LTD,
Client of Company
"Very well thought out and articulate communication. Clear milestones, deadlines and fast work. Patience. Infinite patience. No shortcuts. Even if the client is being careless. The best part...always solving problems with great original ideas!."
Manager of Company
"Patience. Infinite patience. No shortcuts. Very well thought out and articulate communication. Clear milestones, deadlines and fast work. Even if the client is being careless. The best part...always solving problems with great original ideas!."