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Application Security
Application Penetration Testing

Our Web Application Penetration Test Methodology

In today’s digital-first world, the security of web applications is paramount. As cyber threats evolve, so must our strategies to counter them. Here’s a deep dive into how we ensure that your web applications are robust and resistant to potential threats.

Dual-Faceted Approach: Unauthenticated & Authenticated Testing

Web applications are often vulnerable from multiple fronts. To ensure we examine every nook and cranny, we undertake both unauthenticated and authenticated testing:

  • Unauthenticated Testing: This approach mimics an external attacker who doesn’t have any prior access to the application. We attempt to exploit potential vulnerabilities without using any login credentials, thereby simulating real-world threats from unknown attackers.
  • Authenticated Testing: Unlike the unauthenticated method, this mode grants us legitimate access to the application, simulating threats from users with different privilege levels. By understanding the system from within, we can pinpoint vulnerabilities that might be exploited by malicious insiders or external actors using stolen credentials.

Balancing Automation with Manual Expertise

While automated tools provide speed and efficiency, they’re no match for the human intellect when it comes to understanding context and intricate vulnerabilities. Therefore, our testing methodology is a blend of both:

  • Automated Testing: We use a variety of automated tools to quickly scan and identify common vulnerabilities. This ensures that we cover the breadth of potential security flaws in a time-effective manner.
  • Manual Testing: Our team of seasoned penetration testers then dives deep, using their expertise to uncover complex vulnerabilities that often elude automated scanners. They engage in scenario-based testing, simulating real-world hacking techniques to understand potential breach points and the ways attackers might exploit them.

Adherence to Global Standards

At Skyrim Security, we believe in aligning our processes with globally recognized standards. Our testing methodologies are molded by:

  • OWASP Testing Guide: The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) offers a comprehensive framework on web application security. By following the OWASP Testing Guide, we ensure our assessments are thorough, up-to-date, and aligned with the latest in global best practices.
  • NIST 800-115: The National Institute of Standards and Technology’s guide provides invaluable technical guidance on network security testing. Adhering to NIST 800-115 helps us maintain a rigorous, structured, and standardized approach to our assessments.
  • Penetration Testing Execution Standard (PTES): PTES offers a foundational methodology for penetration tests. By incorporating PTES into our methods, we maintain clarity, consistency, and depth in our testing procedures.


When you trust Skyrim Security with your web application penetration testing needs, you’re investing in a service that combines the best of automation with human expertise, all while adhering to the highest global standards. Our dedication to excellence ensures that your applications remain resilient in the face of evolving cyber threats. Reach out to us today, and fortify your defenses with the best in the business.

